Monday, November 24, 2008

in the beginning...

this morning i happened to be in iowa city, happened to be at java house, content with a morning off, a new yorker and coffee. on my way back from the bathroom, i saw none other than rich mccarty. rich is beautiful and brilliant and blessed and a blessing. he doesn't even live in iowa any more. this has happened before, with us. about two years ago, when rich lived in iowa city and i lived in the bay area, i stopped in java house on my way through iowa city. then, a year ago, we saw each other in san diego for the american academy of religion annual meeting.

each time feeds my soul.

the fifteen minutes or so we spent talking fed my soul.

so. a space for more theological conversations. and relational ones, too. because theology is, i believe, inherently relational.

peace and love.

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